Caitlin Martin

Media & Communications Manager
Association for Public Art

Caitlin Martin is the Media and Communications Manager of the Association for Public Art (aPA, formerly the Fairmount Park Art Association) – the nation’s first private non-profit public art organization, chartered in 1872 and dedicated to integrating public art and urban planning. She tweets, posts, and Instagrams about Philadelphia's preeminent collection of outdoor sculpture, and oversees marketing, communications, and audience outreach. Martin manages aPA's online presence and digital media initiatives, finding new and unique ways to engage audiences with Philadelphia's public art through technology.

Martin is also the Project Manager of aPA’s Museum Without Walls™: AUDIO, an award-winning, multi-platform, interpretive audio program for Philadelphia’s public artworks. Additionally, she is aPA’s staff photographer, documenting the city’s vast collection of outdoor sculpture.

A Louisiana native, Caitlin graduated with Honors with a Bachelor of Architecture from Louisiana State University (LSU) and completed a year abroad at the Danish Institute for Study Abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. She was awarded the LSU College of Art and Design Dean’s Medal of Excellence in Architecture and received the Honors College Outstanding Thesis Award.