Aaron Miller

Senior Producer
Bluecadet Interactive

As Senior Producer, Aaron specializes in the strategy and production of interactive exhibits, websites, and mobile technology for museums. His recent projects include "La Invención Concreta: Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros" at the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid and "Maya 2012: Lords of Time" at the Penn Museum in Philadelphia. Previously, he worked as Curatorial Project Manager at the National Museum of American Jewish History, where he was the primary liaison for the curatorial department and exhibition contractors and oversaw the multimedia technology in this state-of-the art museum. Prior to that, he worked as a Multimedia/Technology Developer at Monadnock Media. He has designed hardware and software for artists and museums worldwide, including installations and performances at the Centre Pompidou, the Louvre, and the Coliseum in Rome.