Maria van Zeller Sousa

Sistemas do Futuro

Web and Graphic Designer responsible for conceptualizing, visualizing, creating and managing the production of all multimedia applications for several Museums and Cultural institutions in Portugal. Working as the responsible of Multimedia area at Sistemas do Futuro � Multimedia, Gest�o e Arte, since 2003 in Oporto, Portugal. Undergraduate Degree in Communication Design of Faculty of Fine Arts and Master Degree in Multimedia (arts and culture) in Faculty of Engineering with the thesis about online collections and social media in Museums (2010). Organization and speaker of international conferences and participation in Museums and Web 2009/2010 and Museumnext 2012. Awards winning - FIAMP 2009 (special mention) in Multimedia Guide of "National Railway Museum" - Multimedia tour, FIAMP 2012 Bronze (Web�Art Special Prize) in the category "Special Web'Art Award: online exhibition or program" with the project "Ludi Saeculares" developed in partnership with the Regional Museum of Archaeology D. Diogo de Sousa.